A Message For New Dads

In a study conducted in 2006, there was significant amount of father's who felt ill equipped to be the fathers their children needed. They doubted themselves. They felt inadequate. I think we have all been there. We have all questioned whether or not we could be good fathers. We have all wondered if our kids would feel like we are worthy of being called dad or daddy. This is natural for all first time dads to be concerned with the idea of being adequately prepared to be a dad.

At BEING A DAD...On PURPOSE, we know the reality of self doubt and concern when it comes to fatherhood. I made this group, podcast, and site to encourage, empower and equip dads on their fatherhood journey. I hope you find that here. I hope you feel valued and encouraged in your role as a father. Remember, we are not here to be the best dads in the world, just the best dads for our kids right now. Welcome to BEING A DAD...ON PURPOSE!

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